Cheat Sheet


This is a high-level overview of the Canadian Aviation Regulations relating to fatigue management. Knowledge of definitions is required to understand these rules. You can click on any terms to find further information. The rules below may not apply to you, depending on the operation you work in. Your company may have additional rules that go beyond these rules.  Always consult the CARs for the current rules. 


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Basic Flight/Duty/Rest Rules

Maximum Flight Time

Ref. 700.27

Ref. 700.28

Times are always based on acclimatized time zone. Normally the acclimatized time zone is home base. 

Augmented Crew Conditions:

Ref. 700.60

Maximum Work Hours

Ref. 700.29

Any duty or work, flying or non-flying, count towards maximum work hours.

single day free from duty

local nights rest

Minimum Rest

Ref. 700.40

Additional Rest

When calculating additional rest, more than one situation may apply. Always use the situation that provides the greatest rest. 

disruptive schedule

Ref. 700.41 

time zone 4 hour difference

Ref. 700.42  

time zone >4 hours difference

Ref. 700.42  

time zone 4 hour difference from start of FDP to return to home base

Ref. 700.42(2) 

time zone 5-10 hour difference from start of FDP to return to home base

Ref. 700.42(2)  

time zone >10 hour difference from start of FDP to return to home base

Ref. 700.42(2) 

3 consecutive FDP with any part between 0200-0559

Ref. 700.51  

5 consecutive FDP with any part between 0200-0559

Ref. 700.51   

positioning following a FDP that exceeds maximum FDP

Ref. 700.43   

non-flying duty following FDP that exceeds maximum FDP

Ref. 700.40(2) 

extending FDP

Ref. 700.63(3)   

extending FDP (augmented crew)

Ref. 700.60(7)  

Reserve Rules 

Ref. 700.70

Unforeseen Operational Circumstances

Ref. 700.63

Delayed Reports

Ref. 700.52